Why StayblCam is The Perfect Accessory For A Beginner Filmmaker

by StayblCam Team September 11, 2020

Every filmmaker out there started as an amateur with little to no budget for their projects. They all found a way to make their films look presentable on the cheap, though, and StayblCam is the best way to do that in 2020. Here are five of the top reasons why.

In This Article:

  1. No Need for Expensive Equipment
  2. It’s Very Portable
  3. It Can Fit Any Camera
  4. It’s Durable
  5. It Creates a Live Feel

No Need for Expensive Equipment

a man using a gimbal to support his phone | No Need for Expensive Equipment | Why StayblCam is The Perfect Accessory For A Beginner Filmmaker

The equipment used by professional movie studios to keep the camera steady during shots is ridiculously expensive. Dollies and rigs can easily run into the tens of thousands of dollars, all so that a heavy camera will not jiggle around during filming.

A StayblCam accomplishes more or less the same thing, but without the incredible cost... And for under $50. That’s less than the cost of a two-person meal at that new Italian place that just opened downtown for a long-lasting piece of filmmaking equipment that will immeasurably improve the quality of your footage.

It’s Very Portable

Beginner filmmakers need to travel around a lot. They don’t have the luxury of a lot with different sets to film on in a small area; instead, they need to get out into the world and travel between real-world locations. They need equipment that is light and compact to carry with them, and StayblCam fits that bill.

Weighing in at just under 1 lbs, beginner filmmakers should have no problem carrying their StayblCam with them in their bag all day. It’s also roughly the length of a water bottle when slid closed, so slipping it in a briefcase or small backpack is definitely doable.

That’s not even to mention how easy it is to trek around when filming. Since the device is so light, filmmakers can get nice long single-shot takes where they are holding their camera steady in front of them for 5, 10, 20 minutes.

It Can Fit Any Camera

a photographer focusing on camera and holding a gimbal | It Can Fit Any Camera | Why StayblCam is The Perfect Accessory For A Beginner Filmmaker

One of the biggest issues beginner filmmakers face is that they’re continually changing camera types based on your project’s budget. Not all equipment is compatible with all those different camera types. That is not the case with StayblCam.

The StayblCam can accommodate nearly any camera, whether it’s a smartphone, a digital camera, or a dedicated video camera. The key to its versatility is the screw-on rubberized smartphone grip, which can be adjusted to hold any phone on the market without danger of slippage.

If you want to use another camera type for filming, just unscrew the smartphone grip to reveal the ¼” mounting screw standard to cameras around the world. Any camera up to 1 lb in size will screw right on and take a more stable video than it would on a plain old selfie stick.

It’s Durable

Like we mentioned above, beginner filmmakers don’t operate on movie sets and have to get out into the real world -- sometimes in deep dark forests, sometimes sandy beaches, sometimes bustling cities -- to get the right shots. StayblCam is ready to handle any environment because it is an extremely durable piece of equipment.

First, it is 100% weather- and water-proof. Even if a torrential downpour or a severe dust storm kicks up in the middle of filming, your StayblCam will be ay-okay.

It can also withstand accidents and collisions, even if the weather has nothing to do with them. Accidentally dropped the bag containing your StayblCam? No problem, even if the drop happens to have been from a two-story building. Did you somehow run over the StayblCam with your bicycle? It’ll be fine!

It Creates a Live Feel

Footage taken using StayblCam gives a raw, personal feel that the cumbersome and expensive professional equipment mentioned above just can’t capture. Think “The Office” as opposed to “Lord of the Rings.” Most beginner filmmakers are going for a filming style more akin to the former of these two projects than the latter, and the first person filming that StayblCam enables helps make that vibrant, real style a reality.

That is not to say that StayblCam restricts shot variety. The arm on the StayblCam can extend to shoot scenes from a perspective from the ground to two feet over the camera person's head.

Many of us at StayblCam are beginner filmmakers ourselves, and we understand the struggles of starting out. We’ve made efforts to address all those issues, and nothing makes us happier than when one of our happy customers lets us know we’re doing a good job.

StayblCam Team
StayblCam Team


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