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October Delivery Update - Part 1 of 2

Hey everyone!
We understand that many of you are wondering if we will start shipping out StayblCam units at the end of this month.
Today is October 28th, and this message is part of 1 of a 2-part update we are sending out this week. Stay tuned for a part 2 in the next day or two.

First of all the issues we encountered with one of our molds now seem to be resolved (and one is being finalized as I write this).
I’m not going to share all the details here, but below is a brief summary.

The recent issues that have now been resolved include:
  • Both material adjustments and fin dimension adjustments to the mobile phone adapter.
    The first rubber compound test molds did not perform as expected, and so a different compound had to be found in order to get optimal grip / friction to hold mobile phones in place securely. Additionally, the fins themselves went through some testing and changes. The first sets were unable to hold certain phone models, but we have now found the perfect dimension that works perfectly along with the rubber material!

  • Threaded metal inserts needed adjustments. An insert is basically a threaded metal screw, nut, or bolt that is added into the plastic mold to become part of a piece. The StayblCam uses several of these – one of which is an entirely custom made insert. This insert had to be redone, as it turned out it would not properly fit into the injection molded part properly. Releasing the StayblCam with this flaw would have been a mistake.
These issues naturally caused the manufacturing process to be delayed more than we expected in our last update, and we did not know whether they would take just a few days – or a few weeks to correct.

Last week and this week, the following remaining issue is being resolved:
  • Plastic injection tests revealed issues with hardening after pieces were taken out of the mold.
    These issues are fairly normal when making a new steel mold – but they still need to be addressed to ensure a consistent injection run when running thousands of units in the lifetime of the mold. As you can see below, the steel mold needed to be reworked and “fine-tuned” to avoid what is known as jetting, air traps, streaking, and burns.
There are several pieces that need to fit together in this puzzle – and several suppliers and engineers that all need to communicate and coordinate to minimize delays. We hope that you can understand that these are all important things that we really needed to resolve, and that we are not in any way trying to delay the process ourselves. It is also basically impossible to write a specific date and say “shipping on October XX!” – since that would just be a false promise. There are no guarantees in injection mold manufacturing – until the mold is 1000% completely tested and done.

I am awaiting an updated delivery time from the lead project managers at our facility, and I expect to have a more clear date / close time frame available in the next couple of days!

I can tell you this though: We are getting very close!! :-)

Thank you again for being patient and understanding with us.
Everybody’s StayblCam WILL be delivered! :-)


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